A Cotswold Year - Charting the seasons in the South Cotswolds

Tuesday, 28 September 2010


You might think young rabbits are usually only seen in the spring time! This year these endearing bunnies are invading our garden now in the autumn and eating many of our plants. This is as a result of our former neighbour moving out recently and taking her two cats with her. We are wondering if we will be adopted by a stray cat as we have been before, time will tell.

Friday, 24 September 2010

Autumn Tints

Now the equinox has passed we are into autumn and although most trees are in full leaf the shades of autumn are appearing as trees prepare to loose their leaves for winter.

Thursday, 23 September 2010


Elder Berries are a favourite crop for counntry wine makers but I have never had much success with them and think I would rather leave them for the birds!

Monday, 13 September 2010

Fungi on Woodland floor

Autumn brings a proliforation of fruiting fungus.The visible mushrooms are just the fruiting body of an underground organism of thread like mycelia which obtain nutrients from decaying material. Some funghi damage living trees but most play a vital role in releasing nutrients into the soil from leaves and dead wood.
Some mushrooms are edible whereas others are poisonous so if you do gather them be sure of what you eat.

Friday, 10 September 2010

Slow Worm

Slow worms are becoming easier to spot as the weather cools down and will soon hibernate for the winter. They are not worms or snakes but legless lizards and like well vegetated habitat but this one is warming itself on a stoney path.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010


The Mountain ash or Rowan tree with it's scarlet berries is one of the many colourful autumn trees providing an abundance of food for birds before the hard months of winter to come. The Rowan is also supposed to protect against evil spirits.

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Apple Crop

Now autumn is here we have an good crop of apples on our tree as the branches are heavily laden with fruit.
Looks like plenty of apple pies and crumbles to come!
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Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Purple Loosestrife

It seems that it is a good year for Purple Loosestrife as we keep seeing it's spiky reddish purple flowers around the Cotswolds and it looks particularly striking. The plant apparently likes damp places and it was traditionally harvested and used as an infusion to cure diarrohea, dysentery and other medical problems.