A Cotswold Year - Charting the seasons in the South Cotswolds

Monday, 29 July 2013


 Despite a national decline in the numbers of bees there seems to be no shortage in our garden.
We think these Bumblebees are Buff-Tailed.  There seemed to be many other types although they are difficult to identify as the busily buzz around!
They all seem to love these Globe Thistles or Echinops in our border.
Bumblebees often nest in the ground, you can find out more here.

Saturday, 27 July 2013


 The hot dry summer weather appears to have abruptly stopped this evening with a return to rainy dull conditions. The gardens and fields are in need of some rain but let's hope we can have the summer back soon.

Monday, 22 July 2013


Elder has been in flower in the hedgerows for quite some time. Last week I made some cordial using my cousin's recipe.
The smells coming from it during standing and squeezing were wonderful. I purchased some sparking water and we were delighted with the result on a hot summer evening!

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

St Swithin's Day

Yesterday was St Swithin's Day and there was no rain so if the lore is correct the current settled dry weather should continue for the next 40 days.
So far in July we have only had 1.5mm of rain so the pastures are already looking dry.
There is some truth in the legend in that if high pressure over the Azores which directs the jet steam to the north is not established by mid July then the weather is likely to be unsettled.

Sunday, 14 July 2013

Summer Heat

After several cool wet summers we at last have a spell of hot weather and ramblers relax in the shade by the duck pond at Apperley.

Wednesday, 10 July 2013

Gloucester Cattle

If you want genuine Double Gloucester cheese it should come from Gloucester cattle. Gloucesters are black or dark brown cattle recognisable by their white underside tail and rear with a white strip along the back .They were almost extinct in the early 1970s but have now had a welcome revival.

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Old Lime Tree

This old lime tree still clings to life.
Hollow and burnt out we thought it had died last winter but it has come back into leaf looking healthier than ever.