A Cotswold Year - Charting the seasons in the South Cotswolds

Monday, 29 December 2014

Water Rail

Freezing weather today gave good views of this Water Rail. They are usually seen skulking in and out of the reeds but today this one was walking out over the ice

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Traveller's Joy

Wild Clematis is abundant in hedgerows and woodland and is commonly known as Travellers Joy or Old Man's Beard.
This seems appropriate at Christmas when the man with the white beard is due to start his journey distributing gifts!

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Happy Yuletide

The Winter Solstice is here and from now on the days will start getting longer. The sun is now setting behind the hills at about 4:00p.m. as the days are at their shortest,
 The solstice is the time of the ancient pagan festival of Yule and a time of celebration at the turn of the year.

Friday, 19 December 2014


As Christmas approaches it is traditional in this country to go out looking for greenery to decorate our homes. After a mild autumn there are still many berries in the countryside around here for the birds which means that holly berries have been left so far. We have found some lovely holly berries in Coaley Wood and are keeping them cool place until Christmas Eve arrives.

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Food for the Birds

The hedgerow berries are plentiful this autumn and the birds are able to take advantage of the abundant food like this redwing feeding on hawthorn near Coaley Peak.
Redwings are winter visitors which arrive in large numbers from their breeding grounds in Northern European forests.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Woodland Walks

Beautiful sunny weather made for a great walk in the woods yesterday as the bare trees let in the sunlight.