A Cotswold Year - Charting the seasons in the South Cotswolds

Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Glossy Ibis

 We are used to migratory birds arriving from colder climes to overwinter in our wetland areas but sometimes birds from warmer countries arrive like these young glossy ibis. Some birds breed in Southern Europe and while most head for Africa in winter some end up in the UK.These two have been seen regularly flying in to roost at Slimbridge WWT at dusk.

Monday, 18 November 2013

Misty Autumn Days

Fog can form in the vale when warm air above traps cooler air below and the hills rise like islands through the mist.

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

First Frost

After a spell of mild weather the first frost of the season heralds the onset of winter in our area.

Monday, 11 November 2013

Wax Cap Fungi

Warm damp autumn conditions have been ideal for fungi like these Meadow Wax Caps spotted on Selsley Common

Friday, 8 November 2013

Golden Leaves at sunset

After a day of rain the setting sun came out briefly to bring out the autumn colours of the trees yet to loose their leaves. The Common Beech trees are looking particularly good at the moment.